Hangzhou AOLISI insulation co.,ltd


Formaldehyde is classified as possibly cancerogenic,and authoritative health and safety organizations in many countries have set limits for the maximum exposure amount of it.Aolisi does not contain nor release formaldehyde,hence making no difference to the interior formaldehyde limitation level.


Technical characteristics

1, does not contain formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is classified as a possible carcinogen, and the health and safety authority of many countries has set the maximum exposure limit for formaldehyde. Oleis does not contain and does not release formaldehyde, will not affect the level of indoor formaldehyde restrictions.

2, without fiber and dust, it is particularly suitable for public places, hospitals and office buildings and other staff-intensive areas.

3, with good fire performance, B1 grade flame retardant materials, the use of temperature range of -50 degrees to 110 degrees

4, excellent anti-aging performance, rich soft, easy cons

Installation instructions
